Amazing Colorful Snakes - Most Beautiful Venomous Snakes of the World

Most Beautiful & Colorful Venomous Snakes of the World

Snakes arethe deadliest, poisonous creatures of the world but they are also the mostbeautiful creation of Mother Nature. Snakes as always are fantastic species ofour eco system. As like other wild creatures, their existence too is indeedimportant to maintain nature’s ecological balance.

There are 15 families of snake, 456 genera and there are2,900 species. The smallest snake, the Thread snake is just 10 cm long and thelongest, Python reticulates is 28 ft long. Just a mere thought of snake scarethe hell out to many. But with this list of colorful snake you will surelyadmire them.

Snakes never attack humans willingly else they get violentonly when are hurt or troubled without warning. It’s their natural wild characterof self-protection that forces any poisonous snake to strike. In fact, as muchas we fear snakes, they too fear humans and other bigger species. DeadlySnakebite is always a worst hazardous accident.


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