Guinness World Record to Creating 200 More Social Media Profiles - Worldclassid.com


It is with great excitement that World Class Brand Management

(http://www.WorldClassID.com), a Premier Social Media Marketing Agency, has entered into an Agreement with Guinness World Records regarding an attempt to set a new Guinness World Record for creating 200 or more social network website profiles in under 24 hours via the Internet using an automated social media marketing software solution.

WORLDCLASSID, is an online leader in automated social media marketing and as an industry pioneer in automated social media broadcasting. WorldClassID will be attempting to set a new Guinness World Record to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of this solution.

All social network websites, like iconic social network sites like MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, have an account creation process whereby individuals and companies can register to create an account, customize a profile and add a variety of social network content like social network blogs, social media articles, social network professional profiles, social media video, social media photography and other social network content. You can see a comprehensive list of Social Networking Websites by clicking this link.

Depending on the individual social network website, once an account has been registered with that website there will typically be a confirmation email sent out with a verification request to confirm the email account associated with the new social network registration. This confirmation email will be sent to an independently monitored email account where each of these confirmation emails will be sent. When the time range for each email is tabulated, the beginning time of the earliest email and the ending time of the last email will establish the New Guinness World Record.

Since there is also the opportunity for this record to be attempted both through an automated social networking software solution, as well as through manual labor with numerous individuals registering accounts, the record is also determined by completing the time with a condition of also being done at the lowest economic cost (tabulated by calculating a standard cost with human hours required to complete either scenario).

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