The event took place near the Prudential Center arena in Newark, N.J., where Wallenda is performing with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus.
Wallenda's only grounding during his ride was the 45-pound balancing pole he carried that served as an extension of his arms. The wire was no thicker than a cigar. He wore shoes, or slippers, specially made by his mother. His father was on the ground below holding tension on the wire. He also was speaking to his son through an earpiece Nik was wearing. There was no safety net. There was no margin for error.
Nik Wallenda set the world record for the longest distance crossed on a tightrope on a bicycle. He did it in front of his family, his wife and three children.
I watched the amazing feat on NBC's "Today" show as it was happening live. Wallenda first walked across the tightrope to get to the other side where his bicycle was waiting. But before he got there, he stopped at the center of the wire, sat down and pulled out his cell phone to call NBC's control room in New York City.
Though he reported conditions were "windier than expected," this 'Evel Knieval of the Tightrope' had the mindset that he was going to accomplish a lifelong dream of setting a world record.
High Wire Rider Nik Wallenda Set Guinness World Record 2008 Video by AP
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