He rides waves up to 3ft high and can perform tricks including a "hang five" - where he walks up and down the board while surfing.
He regularly surfs on a 9ft board at Saunton Sands in Devon after learning to keep balance on a skateboard
"Jack is the youngest surf dog in the world. He is just a natural - he loves it," said Mr Kevan.
"Whenever he sees the water he gets really excited and can't wait to get on the board. I wouldn't let him go out there if he didn't enjoy it.
"I started him off on a skateboard when he was really tiny but I had to wait until he was a bit bigger to take him surfing.
"But he took to it immediately. Everyone on the beach always stop to watch when he is riding the waves - he really draws a crowd."
Photographer Susanna Stanford, 33, said Jack had become well known at the beach for his incredible surfing skills.
"It's amazing how good he is already. For such a young dog his surfing is very impressive and he has a very relaxed style," she said.