World Record for Most Children Reading in Multiple Locations in Canada


Libraries in Nova Scotia will join others across Canada in an effort to break a world record in reading to children. The Guinness World Records attempt involves the most children reading with an adult in multiple locations, says a news release from the Western Counties regional library.

The Family Literacy Day world record bid will be held beginning at various times over a 24-hour period between Jan. 23 and Jan. 24.

"The goal is to break the record of 78,791 set in the United States in 2006, by reading to a child for 30 minutes," said the news release.

Adults as well as children will be counted. Library branches in Yarmouth, Shelburne, Clark’s Harbour, Pubnico and Weymouth are all ready to take part. Libraries in Pictou and Antigonish counties are also participating.

"It looks pretty good," Pictou-Antigonish regional library event organizer Kristel Fleurin-Hunter said. "As of today, 121,000 events are registered across Canada. Most libraries in Nova Scotia are participating."

The program is for all ages, and volunteers along with library staff will read from books by Robert Munsch. The books, which must be read in order, are: Pigs; Mortimer; Purple, Green and Yellow; Murmel, Murmel, Murmel; and Something Good.

People are asked to register with their library by Jan. 21.
Family Literacy Day is marked each Jan. 27.
People can find an event in their area or can register to paricipate at home at the ABC Canada Literacy Foundation website familyliteracyday.ca.

Text of the Munsch books will be available on the website, said the library news release.

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