Mural painted by Lilly employees sets record


Eli Lilly and Co.'s efforts last May to paint a mural eight football fields long on Madison Avenue between Raymond Street and Terrace Avenue have made it into the Guinness World Records. Employees of the Indianapolis drugmaker donated their time to the 1,230-foot-long project, which now is considered the world's largest paint-by-number mural.

Lilly and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful submitted the Southside mural for consideration by Guinness.

The record was held previously in China. Patrick Viles, a former Manual High School who studied at the Art Institute of Indianapolis, designed the mural to showcase fun, hard work, and healthy living in Indiana, according to a news release today.Well-known Indianapolis landmarks are featured, including the Indianapolis Zoo, The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and the city’s Southside.

The mural was among 60 beautification projects completed in partnership with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful and more than 50 local community organizations during Lilly's inaugural Global Day of Service in May.

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