Longest Marathon Playing Guitar World Record set by Indian Boy


Aakash Gupta is just 14 years old and is already a grade ‘A’ student, roller skating champion and cross country champion. Yet he was determined to achieve more and go for a Guinness World Record for the longest marathon playing guitar.

In his school’s auditorium, Aakash cut a lonely figure when first seen by Guinness World Record adjudicator Ralph Hannah. It soon became clear there was a team of devoted supporters helping him in his record attempt. From his mother who kept him fed and watered, to the local voluntary organisation who maintained a prayer vigil, Aakash seemed to have the whole support of Agra. Throughout the attempt well wishers visited him, including another local Guinness World Record holder, Dinesh Shandilya who constructed the largest flute in 1996.

The record for the longest marathon playing guitar had stood at 44 hours since 2005, until 6.31 am on Tuesday 24 June 2008, when Aakash officially broke the record. The moment was met with sheer happiness as relatives, sponsors and Mr. Hannah, Guinness World Records adjudicator, crammed onto the stage to congratulate Aakash and share the moment with the rest of India thanks to the presence of the national media.

Aakash continued through the day and eventually stopped strumming after 53 hours and 4 minutes. His daily guitar practice and yoga routine had most certainly paid off. Determination had won the day and Aakash (Hindi for ‘sky’) had reached new heights.

Source : Guinness Book of World Record

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