world's fastest window cleaner world record


Terry Burrows first appeared on television back in 1993. The programme, on London Weekend Television, was called "You Bet". With presenter Mathew Kelly and friend John McLean it just started as a bit of a laugh. But, as Terry's feet first walked on the TV set, he knew that this was the start of something much bigger. This was the opportunity for Terry to realise his dream: to become the fastest and most famous window cleaner in the world!

The world record, held by Terry Burrows of course, is currently 9.24, this was set at the NEC in March 05 . You might think that is pretty fast for cleaning a window that measures 45 inches square including wiping the window sill. But, what makes Terry's record incredible is that the strict competition rules state that he must clean three windows, each measuring 45 inches square, and wipe the sill! There are time penalties deducted for any water marks left on the glass and the competitor is limited to a maximum squeegee size of 12 inches. Unlike some other world record attempts, we say "do try this at home". Then you will realise how difficult a challenge this is.

Terry's ambitions are to become a TV presenter and to break his own world record again, taking it down to a time that is so low it will stay with him for the rest of his life.

Please visit Official Website of Terry Burrows - World Fastest Window clening Service http://www.fastestwindowcleaner.co.uk/terry.htm

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