3D Virtual Street Reality - Amazing Street Paintings
Street Painting has been recorded throughout Europe since the 16th century. Street painters in Italy are called madonnari.because they often created pictures representing the Madonna. Historically, madonnari were itinerant artists who lived a life of travel and freedom. Aware of the festival and holy days (holidays) in each province and town, they traveled to join in the festivities. They created images in public squares and in front of the local church using bits of broken roof tiles, charcoal, and some white chalk. Passersby would often leave a bit of bread or olive oil for the artist along with an occasional coin. The artists were often commissioned to create votos and ex-votos, and after the festivities or with the first rain, both the painting and the painter would vanish.
A recent development in the Street Painting art form in the twenty first century is the use of user generated video, blogging, and podcasting of Street Painting artists at all levels of ability and their fans worldwide. This new technological advance offers opportunity for all Street Painting, artists, festivals, and fans to allow a window not only to their latest image or festival appearance but a chance to let others know why they street paint and to encourage others – especially the younger generation of street painters to become known and grow in experience.
A recent development in the Street Painting art form in the twenty first century is the use of user generated video, blogging, and podcasting of Street Painting artists at all levels of ability and their fans worldwide. This new technological advance offers opportunity for all Street Painting, artists, festivals, and fans to allow a window not only to their latest image or festival appearance but a chance to let others know why they street paint and to encourage others – especially the younger generation of street painters to become known and grow in experience.
These are some amazing 3D drawings on the sides of street and pavements at various spots, I dont know the artist as I got this by Email but whoever he is he is truly awesome and a sheer genius . These 3D images give the real virtual experience .
Virtual Street Reality Paintings