The Grace Of Royal Pigeons - The Symbol of Peace, Love, Maternity, Gentleness, Spirit Messengers

The Grace Of Royal Pigeons

The Dove/Pigeon is a universal symbol of peace and love. Every nation and every culture has viewed this bird with a fondness close to worship. Doves are monogamous and have a very beautiful courtship. In fact the affection that they give each other during mating is so unique in the animal world that that is why the dove became the symbol of love and peace.

Dove teaches us that, regardless of external circumstances, peace is always a touch away - within us, and always available. Meditation and practicing deep breathing can help us to find inner peace, assisting us to go about our lives calmly. The dove embodies maternal instinct and is connected to Mother Earth and her creative energies.

See following Images/Pictures/Photos of Royal Pigeons/Doves.