World’s Oldest Yoga Teacher World Record set by Gladys Morris

An 89-year-old great grandmother is hoping to hit the record books as the world’s oldest yoga teacher.

Gladys Morris has been practising the ancient exercise for almost five decades and credits it as the secret to her great health.

Although she retired 30 years ago the flexible pensioner is still going strong teaching Hatha yoga four times a week.

The Heyside resident said: "It all started when my daughter-in-law asked me to go to yoga with her.

"I only went for a bit of moral support but I was instantly hooked."

And when the instructor moved away Gladys took over the reins – and has been doing it ever since.

Gladys, who celebrates her 90th birthday on Monday, said: "I teach three days a week and my Thursday evening class got so busy that I had to split it into two sessions."

Even on her days off she still dedicates herself to her hobby.

"I do a few exercises every single day," said Gladys, a former senior secretary for Oldham probation office.

"I was diagnosed with osteoporosis four years ago and the doctors said it was my muscles not my bones which were holding me together.

"I’ve got no plans to give up because it’s what keeps me on my feet. I would recommend yoga to everyone."

Gladys’s pupils are now hoping to enter her into the Guinness world record books after discovering the current world record holder is a mere 83.

Linda Grime, who attends one of Glady’s classes at Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre, said: "I have been going for over 15 years and really love it.

"The record holder is Bette Claman who teaches in Australia and we’re confident Gladys should hold the title. She’s a real inspiration."

Gladys, whose husband Jim died 12 years ago, is mum to Sheila and Alan, and says her family are incredibly proud.

She said: "I’ve also got three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren and they all think it’s brilliant.

"I’m not as good as I used to be, my balance is gone and I’ve always struggled to sit cross-legged.

"But as long as I am a good teacher that’s all that matters."