World's Luckiest Baby Born on 10.10.10 at 10:10 and 10 Seconds - Amazing Records

The tenth day of the tenth month of the year 2010 has special meaning for a Sugar Grove family.

For many, Sunday's date held special significance. Churches and chapels say the symmetrical date was a sought after one for weddings and events. Chicago Marathon organizers claimed 10-10-10 was the "date to motivate". But for a family from far west suburban Sugar Grove, Sunday was a perfect ten for just one reason.
"It just happened, just like that!" Autumn Henze said of her baby boy, Nathaniel David Henze, who was born at 10:10 p.m. on 10-10-10. Baby Nathaniel's already got a thing for numbers.
"He was ready to come out on that day on that time. He wanted to be a superstar! He really did."
Autumn says she didn't think twice when many months ago her doctor projected a due date of October 10th. But as the date approached she started to think it had a nice to ring to it. And like clockwork synced to calendar, she went into labor Sunday morning. She arrived at Edward Hospital in Naperville a full 12 hours before delivery.
It was until Nathaniel popped his little head into this world that his dad looked at the clock.
"He looked up and noticed it first. He said it was 10:10 on 10/10/10 and was very excited. That's when I realized it also," said Dr. Scott Kagan, Edward Hospital.
"Nobody will ever forget his birthday is on that day. It's just as memorable as having a baby on New Year's or Valentine's," said Autumn.
The doc says no special drugs or stalling techniques were used to hit the chronological equivalent of a bulls-eye. Bt everyone is happy this baby was born on that minute of that of hour on that day. And they're also thrilled with another series of tens that Nathaniel can call his own.
"And he has ten toes and ten fingers and that's a good thing to!" said Autumn.
Mom and baby didn't manage a tri-fecta; Nathaniel weighed in at less than 10 pounds.

Amazing Records Video - Naperville Baby Born on 10.10.10 at 10:10