Guinness Book Of World Records 2011 New Records


From the sublime to the ridiculous, they’re all record breakers.

These are just some of the new entries in the Guinness Book Of World Records 2011, including Swallow the smallest cow - who stands at just 33.5 inches tall - and a man who can fit 400 drinking straws in his mouth and keep them there for ten seconds.

One of the oddest has to be Stephen Parkes, a media technician from Nottingham, 44, who has the Largest Collection Of Smurf Memorabilia at 1,061 figures.

Amarilis Espinoza, of Guinness World Records, said: ‘It is very difficult to get into the book and about 80 per cent of entries get rejected.’

Guinness Book Of World Records 2011 New Records Video


World Longest Tongue On A Dog: Puggy, Becky Stanford’s male Pekingese, is nine years old. Its mouth-watering 4.5in tongue was officially measured at a Texan animal clinic last May.

Fastest Time To Pop 100 Balloons By A Dog: Jack Russell terrier Anastasia did this in 44.49 secs on a U.S. TV show


World Longest snake: Measured at 24ft, fluffy the reticulated python, who lives in Columbus Zoo and aquarium, Ohio, U.S. is recognized as the longest living snake in captivity.

World’s Biggest English Breakfast: Mario’s Cafe, Bolton, serves ten eggs, sausages and bacon rashers, five black puddings and piles of mushrooms and beans.
It’s free if eaten in 20 minutes!

World Most Straws Stuffed In Mouth: Simon Elmore held 400 drinking straws in his mouth for ten seconds in Bavaria, Germany, in August 2009

World Heaviest Plane Pulled: Kevin Fast pulled a 188.83 tonne CC-177 Globemaster III a staggering 28ft at Canadian Forces Base, Ontario.

World Smallest Cow: Swallow is 33.5in-tall Dexter cow. She lives with Martyn Ryder at Pike End Farm in North Yorkshire.
World Longest Distance By A Horse On Hind Legs: Gregory Ancelotti rode his horse, Doc, 95ft 5in in Milan, Italy, in April 2009.

World Most Bottles Recycled By A Dog: Tubby has recycled 26,000 plastic bottles by giving them to his owner Sandra Gilmore.

World Largest Smurf Collection:
Stephen Parkes has 1,061 in total, including Christmas smurfs and historical figures.

 Guinness World Records 2011 is published Thursday in the U.K. Let book your edition in Advance.

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