Longest Time Kiss World Record attempt by Will Matty and Bobby NJ USA

In 2009, Germany's Nikola Matovic and Kristina Reinhart kissed for 32 hours, 7 minutes, 14 seconds. New Jersey college students and self-professed LGBT activists Matty and Bobby are hoping to break that Guinness World Record today with 33 hours of smooching. And no, they aren't boyfriends. (Update: It's been rescheduled.)

They've been training by standing still and staying awake. And if they don't manage to break the record, they're committed to trying again. But what about this boyfriend Bobby has? "Yes, I am in a relationship and my boyfriend supports the cause completely," Bobby says. "We all know each other, and we’re very close friends." (As for Matty, he'd "like to keep the status of his personal life his own priority during this excursion.")
So the only question that remains is: Do they have to be tonguing each other the whole time? Not necessarily, but their lips must stay together.
They'll be performing (appearing?) today — and, with their goal of 33 hours, tomorrow — at Alumni Grove of The College of New Jersey Campus in Ewing, New Jersey.
The Rules of Breaking Kiss Guinness World Records.

1. The Kiss must be continuous and the lips must be touching @ all times.
2. If the lips part – the couple is immediately disqualified
3. Contestants must be over the age of consent in the country the event is being held.
4. The couple must be awake @ all times.
5. The contestants must stand during the attempt and cannot be propped together by any aids, such as pillows, cushions or people.
6. No breaks are allowed.
7. Incontinance pads or adult nappies/diapers are not allowed.
8. Couples must not leave the venue during their attempt.
Also worth noting: The pair insist they've never kissed before. So this shouldn't be awkward or anything.