Longest Continuous Broadcast World Record set by Nikora Curtis

A radio DJ in Tolaga Bay, near Gisborne, has broken the world record for the longest continuous broadcast.
Nikora Curtis had to go for more than 175 hours to beat the record – that's more than a week.
This afternoon he achieved it.
Drowsy, delirious, but still dedicated – Nikora Curtis was on the airwaves for seven days so he could be forgiven for losing track.
He broadcasted day and night – even through a power cut during the week's heavy rain – all to raise funds to keep his community station Uawa FM on air.
Just after one o'clock this afternoon, playing records became record-breaking.
Proud Tolaga Bay locals gathered in the town to share the moment with their exhausted hero – and then Mr Curtis went back for another hour and a half.
It will take a few weeks before the world record is officially verified but one thing is for sure – the community is immensely proud of Nikora Curtis.

Longest Continuous Broadcast World Record 2010 Video