Scottish set World's Biggest Porridge Bowl Guinness Record

IT WAS a bowl of porridge that Goldilocks would have struggled to polish off. But it was just right to take the world record for the largest ever made, weighing in at 690kg - enough to feed 2,000 people.

With a team of fire fighters on hand to add the water and a fork-lift truck to pick up the bowl, the serving, made at the annual Highland Games in Cupar, was more than four times the previous record of 171kg, set in Manchester last year.

It took more than seven hours to cook the bowl of Scotland's traditional breakfast before Guinness world record adjudicator Craig Glenday confirmed it as a new best yesterday afternoon.

The record attempt was made by a team from the local Round Table with the help of food firm Scott's Porage Oats, which has its headquarters in the Fife town.

Cupar Round Table chairman Craig Manson said: "Today, we have achieved our goal of breaking the record and put Cupar back on the map."
Hayley Stringfellow, marketing director of Scott's Porage Oats, added: "We are thrilled to have set a new Guinness World Record.

"Cupar is the home of Scott's Porage Oats, so it's only fitting that the record for the biggest bowl of porridge should be held here."

The attempt got under way at 5am yesterday morning when about 80kg of oats were poured into a specially made bowl 1.5 metres in height and width.

Local firefighters were on hand to add water from their fire engine, before the mixture was heated and left to cook for several hours. A forklift truck was needed to transport the giant bowl for weighing.

Some of the porridge was tried by officials at the event, but most of it will go on to be used as animal feed.

Mr Glenday, editor-in-chief of Guinness World Records Book and official adjudicator, said: "The chances of this record being broken soon is unlikely - this should remain a Scottish record for a long time."