Cockcroft - Wheelchair Racer sets Four World Records

British wheelchair racer Hannah Cockcroft broke her own 400m world record and set three more over 100m, 200m and 800m at Stoke Mandeville.
The 17-year-old from Halifax beat the mark of one minute, 05.51 seconds she set in May with a new time of 1:04.27.
Cockcroft then beat the previous 100m record of 19.55secs by 0.20secs and took 0.07secs off the 200m mark by clocking 33.80secs.
She also took an impressive 2.20secs off the previous 800m record.
Cockcroft's new time of 2:14.79 at the British Wheelchair Athletics Association International beat the mark set by fellow Briton Deborah Brennan in Nottingham in 2001.
The teenager, who is coached by Paralympic head coach Peter Eriksson, has already won the London Mini Marathon in April and in May clinched the British Wheelchair Racing Association 800m title and was runner-up over 400m.
"I really wanted to go out there and win," she said.
"It was a very strong international line-up and I'm really pleased to won. Conditions weren't great because it was really windy but with it being a 400m, we had a tail wind as well as a head wind.
"I'm now hoping to go even quicker," she continued.
"Training has been going really and prior to my race Peter reinforced some of the key things we'd been working on.
"We went through the starts, which is something I've been struggling with, and getting into a good racing position - it worked, so I think we'll stick with it now."