Indonesian Boy Smokes 40 Cigarettes A Day - Amazing Kids

A video showing a toddler enjoying a cigarette is causing shockwaves around the world. Perhaps even more shocking is that the boy is apparently already an addicted smoker. The child, 2-year-old Ardi Rizal, who lives in Indonesia, smokes two packs a day, according to his parents.

They said he had his first puff at 18-months and took to it like a fish to water. Six months later, the toddler is said to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.

His mother said the boy is completely addicted, and becomes angry if he doesn't get his smoke break – going as far as screaming and bashing his head against the wall. He says he feels dizzy and sick when he's not smoking. Statistics show his habit is part of a disturbing trend. A quarter of all Indonesian children ages 3 to 15 have reportedly tried cigarettes.

The video drew plenty of disbelief from CBS 2's Facebook fans. Here are just a few of the comments our fans wrote on our wall: Mary Ann Johnson Dlugosz wrote: "Very disturbing!!! What are these parents thinking by giving this child cigarettes? MAKES ME SICK!"

Maritza Pena says: "He's 2! When did it start at 7 months? Sick! What happened to formula and teething rings?!" Michael Wumangwa Chuma thinks the child's parents should be punished: "Shame on these irresponsible parents...they must be summoned to court for gross child abuse...

Indonesia Boy Smokes 40 Cigarettes A Day Video