World's Youngest Tattoo Artist world record set by Emilie Darrigade

 Emilie etched the detailed picture of a bumble bee surrounded by a laurel crown on dad Dave's forearm at a tattoo parlour. She chose the design herself because 'Bumble Bee' is her dad's nickname for her.

Under the watchful eye of expert tattooist Robin Labreche, little Emilie filled in the black and yellow colour on the design as well as the green in the laurel.

And now 34-year-old security guard Dave says Emilie has already designed his next piece of body art - a flaming skull and crossbones.

Dave said: "Emilie was sitting on a chair watching when Robin asked her if she would like to tattoo her dad by filling in the yellow in the bee.

"She jumped at the chance so they gloved her up and with Robin's coaching she filled in the whole design without going outside the lines.

"It was quite impressive due to the weight of the tattoo machine."

Dave, who has six tattoos, was having the picture inked into his arm at the Adrenaline tattoo parlour, in Montreal, Canada.

And he says the sight of Emilie working on his arm caused quite a stir in the busy parlour.

He said: "Everyone who was in the shop, and it's a big shop, came to see Emilie at work and were all amazed and stunned at her relaxed demeanour.

"Emilie has always been interested in all mediums of art and has always been curious about new art forms.

"Now she says she wants me to get a new tattoo of a skeleton head with cross bones and fire so that will probably be our next project.

"If she wants to work on that one then she can."