Most Youths Play Violin togethered at One Time set Guinness Record


Five hundred children gathered this week to give a group violin performance as part of a private Antalya art school’s effort to make it into the Guinness World Records book.

With the support of the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, the Lara Ritim Fine Arts Course organized a unique event in the province this week. Five hundred children aged 3-12 -- including 15 students from Japan, Germany, the UK and Ukraine -- gave a violin performance at the Kepez Arena Gymnasium in an effort to break a world record for the most youths gathered to play violin at one time. The young violinists all began learning to play violin at the same time -- just six months ago. Hakan Elmallıoğlu, who started the class for the youngsters, said the event aimed to highlight Antalya’s status as a city of culture and the arts.

Noting that there was no discrimination on the basis of religion, language or racial background in the ensemble, Elmallıoğlu said the concert would teach the value of international solidarity, fraternity, friendship and peace -- all through the tunes performed by the young violinists.

The proceeds from the concert went to the Turkish Education Foundation (TEV), and a notary was on hand to confirm the presence of 500 children playing violin in the hall. The event coordinators plan to apply to the Guinness World Records book for the most youth gathered to play violin at one time.

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