114 Australian Oz Club Water Skiers set Guinness World Record

Australia's Horsehead Water Ski Club has set a new Guinness record by squeezing 114 water skiers behind a single boat.

The previous record for "most water skiers pulled by a single boat over one nautical mile" was 100, set in Trinity Inlet, Cairns, in 1986 by Cairns and District Powerboat and Ski Club.

Talking about the feat, club Vice-President Nick Wilson said:

"The logistics of what we have achieved is just military precision. Everyone was just elated. Our phrase from the end of it was 'Mission Accomplished'.

The Horsehead Waterski Club, Australia's oldest ski club, has been trying to break the record since February 2008, but their previous attempts all fell short.

"Conditions were fantastic, the water was nearly glass, which on a bay of this size is absolutely unbelievable," The Sun quoted Greg Hind, from the Guinness World Records, as saying.

In their previous attempt in January, the boat crossed the line with 99 skiers standing, only one short of equalling the record.

To break the record, at least 101 skiers had to remain upright for one nautical mile.

114 Australian Oz Club Water Skiers set Guinness World Record Video