Man Who Lost 46 Stone Plans to Start new Life - Amazing News 2009

Colin Corfield at one point was bed-ridden and relied on a patient relay of friends and family to bring enormous meals to his room.

But now the 41-year-old weighs a healthier 16-stone after a gastric bypass operation he underwent.

Surgeons shrunk his stomach to the size of an egg in a risky procedure that forced him to quit his addiction to food overnight.

He cannot eat meals any larger than a mince pie without feeling sick.

Mr Corfield, of Oak Court, Runcorn said: "The operation was the best thing that ever happened to me, I can honestly say that.

"But I've had a really difficult year. I had my final operation to remove excess skin just over a year ago and it's taken me until now to feel positive about everything.

"Although the surgeons tried to explain how I would feel, it's been really difficult to come to terms with how my life has changed."

Mr Corfield, who ran The Old Transporter in Halton Brow, Merseyside, before his eating addiction forced him to quit the business, said: "It can take me over an hour and 40 minutes to get through a normal-sized meal, because I keep having to stop and take breaks. It's a standing joke among my friends that I never eat hot food - I'd have to run backwards and forwards to the microwave to keep heating my plate.

"People think the operation I had was a miracle cure, but it's not.

"I found it really difficult. I ate food because it was a comfort to me and suddenly that was taken away."

Mr Corfield is in no doubt the £33,000 operation saved his life, adding: "I had hoped 2009 would be the year I would get back into employment but what with the economy and recovering from the operations, that didn't happen.

"Now I can't wait for 2010. It's going to be the start of my life."