Tony Adams - World Fastest Tap Dancer reclaimed World Record


A Wellington stockbroker has reclaimed his spot as the world's fastest tap dancer - beating his previous record by almost double.

Tony Adams set a record of 610 taps in a minute last year, but this was soon topped on British show Guinness World Records Smashed where a contestant managed 784.

To prepare for his next attempt Mr Adams said he trained with two-time world mountain running champion Melissa Moon.

"I went from being a non-runner to regularly running half marathons.

"But I have to say I'm pleased I don't have to run up the hills of Wellington any more as she just about killed me at times," he said.

The second record attempt took place in June on the Good Morning show, but Mr Adams has had a long wait for the official verdict to be released.

The Guinness team used slow-motion video footage to count the taps and eventually reached a tally of 1056 taps in a minute.

Mr Adams began tap dancing as a child when his mother put him in classes to overcome a leg deformity which saw his legs bound in callipers and destined for surgery.

Within a few years he was strong enough to run and play sport. He went on to win national dance titles and became New Zealand's first male tap dancing teacher.

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