Nepali musician''s set Limca Book Records

Nepalese musician who claims to have created an entirely different type of music "unthought by even Beethoven or Mozart", has entered the Limca Book of Records 2009 for composing the shortest music bar. "I have composed entirely different music which was not even thought by Beethoven or Mozart," Mathura Shrestha, a musician from Kathmandu told PTI. A bar is a measurement used in writing music.

With his 2 minute 35 second song, "Ankha Bhitra Lukai Sake" or "I Have Hidden Inside My Eyes" 39-year-old Shrestha, has entered in the 20th Edition of Limca Book of Records. In the song he has created 19 bars and 11/4 beat music which he claims to be shortest bar music.

Usually, music is created by using 3/4,6/8,7/8,12/8 beats and 70 bars but Shrestha has composed music by using 11/4 bar and only 19 beats which he says is the shortest in the world of music. Shrestha is also the first Nepalese to have registered his name in the Limca Book of Records and now he is aiming for the Guinness Book of World Records.

"By registering my name in Limca, India has shown how much importance it gives to musicians. Indian people have great love and honour for musicians," he said.

Shrestha said he also wants to compose music for Hindi film with an entirely different tune and during his childhood he was inspired by "great Indian musical duo of yesteryears Shanker-Jaiksan". Shrestha recorded his song on January 2007 and it took him more than six years of research from February 1998 to May 2005 to compose the song, Limca Book of Records said.

Shrestha is also aiming name in the "I have totally broken the traditional musical trend and created an entirely new and difficult music known as ''syncopatation,''" he said.