World Largest Free Floating Soap Bubble Guinness Record


The 37 year-old, whose real name is Sam Heath, has been obsessed by bubbles since he was a teenager.

Mr Heath, from London, made the bubble in the city's Finsbury Park to try and break the world's record for largest free-floating soap bubble by volume.

The previous Guinness World Record he was aiming to pop was set in October 2005 in Minnesota, USA, with a volume of 105.4 cubic feet.

He is now waiting for the achievement to be judged.

However, he said: "I'm confident it has obliterated the former record.

"This one dwarfs the American effort."

To make the enormous multicoloured bubble he used just a piece of rope attached between two sticks.

"It's all about having the right bubble solution," said Mr Heath. "If you have the right mixture then your tools don't matter.

"With the right stuff you can make big bubbles with anything; a coat-hanger or even just your hands.

"But technique is another important side. It's like Andy Murray being able to pull of his tennis strokes. Over years you just perfect the movement you need and you become very proficient.

"The final magic ingredient is the environment. You need the right conditions like low wind and high humidity to create bubbles on this sort of scale.

"Being a bubbleologist is almost as much about being a wind catcher as it is a bubble maker. You become quite sensitive to changes in direction and you have to move at the right time to keep the bubble together."

In November 2007, Mr Heath put 50 people inside one of his creations.

A year later he earned the award for putting the most bubbles inside a bubble, at 66.

He said he was happy to be earning a living from doing what he loves most.

"It all started with just a single bubble," he said. "I was sitting in a field and a bubble just floated past.

"I took the word away from the object and just looked at it for what it was. I captured my imagination and I just thought what an amazing thing that was.

"It's like one of those anomalies of nature that just shouldn't exist. Like a bumblebee being too big for it's wings."

His firm Bubbleinc sells mixtures and equipment as well as performing shows for audiences which have included the Dubai Royal family, Paul McCartney and Peter Gabriel.

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