Guinness World Records Day 2008 - Record Breaking Attempts Across the World


Week Long U.S. Celebration Kicks Off in New York City With Arrival of Woman With the World's Longest Legs

Aspiring record breakers across the globe will take part in the world's biggest international record-breaking event in celebration of Guinness World Records Day 2008! More than 200,000 people from over 18 countries will take part in the fourth annual celebration on November 13th chronicling some of the most amazing feats ever seen.

The United States will be host to a myriad record-breaking activities kicking off with the arrival of Svetlana Pankratova, the woman with the World's Longest Legs, in New York City and leading into new record attempts including the Largest Dog Wedding in Illinois, Largest Motorcycle Parade in Florida and the Largest Food Drive By a Non-Charitable Organization In 24 Hours taking place across 530 Universities including Fordham University in New York. Guinness World Records Day celebrates the best-selling Guinness World Records book, which is currently on stands with its 2009 edition.

Pankratova will debut her record breaking legs for the first time in the United States live on the Today Show in Rockefeller Plaza. Standing at an astounding 6' 5" tall, the Russian beauty's legs measure 51.9 inches long -- more than four feet high! She will be in New York to receive her official Guinness World Records certificate and mark the start of record-breaking feats for the week.

Guinness World Records will move its sights from New York City to Walt Disney World in Orlando, for another set of amazing record-breaking attempts. On November 13th, record-keeping body will be on hand to adjudicate records for Fastest Egg and Spoon Mile, Most Apples Cut in the Air with a Sword, Most Basketballs Spun Simultaneously Blindfolded and more as part of its partnership with ESPN.

Some of the record-breaking excitement happening around the globe in honor of Guinness World Records Day include:

US Record Breaking attempts:

* Most Grains of Rice Eaten With Chopsticks in a Minute
* Most Ice Cream Scoops Assembled in a Minute
* Largest Rubber band Ball
* Longest Dreadlocks

International Record Breaking Attempts:

* Largest Cup Of Tea (Norway)
* Fastest Time To Run 100 M On All Fours (Japan)
* Most Bottles Recycled in 8 Hours (Norway)
* Largest Cabbage Dish (Serbia)
* Most Concrete Blocks Broken in a Minute (France)
* Most People in a Mini Cooper (New Zealand)

"Each year Guinness World Records Day becomes bigger and more spectacular than the year before," said Craig Glenday, editor of Guinness World Records. "We're thrilled to have over 200,000 people -- and even dogs -- from all over the world breaking records to make their way into Guinness World Records history."

This world renowned and celebrated annual, Guinness World Records 2009, contains the most comprehensive collection of the greatest and most amazing accomplishments from around the world and beyond. A "must-have" for both knowledge-seekers and aspiring record-breakers of all ages, Guinness World Records 2009 is available for the suggested retail price of $28.95. For more information about Guinness World Records 2009 visit the Guinness World Records website at: www.guinnessworldrecords.com

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