World's Smallest Museum World Record

World's Smallest Museum, one of Arizona's finest roadside attractions in Superior on historic US 60, showcases "artifacts of ordinary life," and by doing so, honors the world's extra-ordinary workforce! From a large iron kettle filled with ancient bits and pieces of pottery to the computer on display, a true memorium is subtly woven in one's mind that honors common people.

While World's Smallest Museum reflects ordinary life with its displays of common yet unique artifacts, outside is our Memory Lane / Waterfall Avenue! Using artifacts of ordinary working equipment and recycling them into fountains and waterfalls, monuments to the unsung heroes, all hard working people of the world becomes Memory Lane's / Waterfall Avenue's theme!

A visit to World's Smallest Museum is for most, a step back in time and a stroll down Memory Lane / Waterfall Avenue! Please visit our museum store while you are here. We offer some very unique items at very reasonable prices. Enjoy yourself and come back soon to one of Arizona's finest roadside attractions!

Visit Official Website for more detail