Happy Diwali 2009 - Festival of Lights in India


Happy Diwali 2009 - Festival of Lights Celebration Goin on.

As the countdown for Diwali begins, Indians across the globe are going on a shopping spree for family, friends and business acquaintances.

Diwali, The festival of lights, is the one of the best occasions to bond and greet family and friends. With fireworks, sweets, lights and gifts, this festival is indeed a much awaited celebration of the year.

May the Divine Light of Diwali Spread into May the Divine Light of Diwali Spread into your Life Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health.

Happy Diwali from Paavan Solanki, India - Blogger of http://www.worldamazingrecords.com/ and Search engine enthusiast - http://www.targetseo.com/

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