World's Oldest Mother Gives Birth to Twins at 70


An Indian woman has become the world's oldest mother after giving birth to twins - at the age of 70. Omkari Panwar and her 77-year-old husband, Charan Singh, already had two grown-up daughters, and five grandchildren, but were desperate for a son and heir.

And, after Omkari controversially underwent IVF treatment, the couple's wish was granted, when the twins, a boy and a girl, were delivered by Caesarean section.

Charan Singh, a farmer, said they gave up everything for the 5,000-pounds treatment using donated eggs.

He sold his buffalos, took out loans and spent his life savings - but said: "A son makes it all worthwhile."

"At last we have a son and heir. We prayed to God, went to saints and visited religious places. We left no stone unturned and God has rewarded us. The treatment cost me a fortune but I can die a happy man and a proud father," he added.

The twins, born one-month premature and weighing 2lb 9oz each, are healthy and expected to survive, according to doctors at Jaswant Roy Speciality Hospital, where they are in incubators.

Omkari added: "If I am the world's oldest mother it means nothing to me. I just want to care for my new babies while I am still able. We have got an heir - that is all we ever wanted." Omkari had a son years ago but he died.

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Pregnancy World Records
Indian World Records
World's Oldest World Records

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