Guinness World Record of Most Pancakes Tossed

The Belfast Giants have helped to set a new world record for the most pancakes being tossed simultaneously.

The Giants teamed up with Ulster bakery Kingsmill in preparing for Pancake Tuesday in style as they formed part of a team of 206 involved.They tossed pancakes simultaneously for 30 seconds, breaking the previous record of 108 which was set by the Scout Association on TV programme Blue Peter last year.

Jonathan Todd and Stephen Robinson, both maths teachers at Bangor Grammar School, were on hand at Belfast's Odyssey Arena to independently measure the world record attempt. Now Kingsmill is awaiting verification from the Guinness World

Record Management Team which will hopefully reward the brand with the record-breaking title. Kingsmill marketing executive Andrew Hollywood said he was delighted and relieved to break the world record."It was brilliant to see all the frying pans lined up and I was thrilled at the giant effort put into the record attempt by the Belfast Giants and their supporters."